Events and News

Her Exce​llen​cy Pen Sopak​phea, Secre​tary of State at the Min​istry of Eco​no​my and Fina​nce and Ch​air of the Exe​cutive Com​mittee of t​h​e N​at​i​o​n​a​l So​c​i​a​l Pro​​tec​​tion Coun​cil, led a worki​ng grou​p fr​om the Nati​onal Pay​ment Certifi​cation Agency to mo​n​itor and eval​uate the implementation of Health Equity Fund services at public health facilities in Kampot province

On December 2, 2024, Her Excellency Pen Sopakphea, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Economy and Finance and Chair of the Executive Committee of the National Social Protection Council, led a working group from the National Payment Certification Agency to monitor and evaluate the implementation of Health Equity Fund services at public health facilities in Kampot province.

On the same day, H.E. and the monitors paid a visit to households holding HEF card in Prey Khmum commune to gather feedback on their experiences with the services. This effort aimed to collect inputs to enhance the further effectiveness of the Health Equity Fund services.

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